Knight's shortest path

ChongYaaa published on
3 min, 479 words

Categories: Program

Recently I did a written test, I was asked to make a small game.

When the game starts, a knight and an destination will randomly appear on the board, where the knight wins when he moves to the destination.

Correspondingly, I need to provide two help buttons, one can prompt the next step, and the other directly helps to move to the destination.

Here is my answer, I will give some code and my reference below:

Frontend Repo (React.js): Github Varsion | chess-game-front

Backend Repo (Rails): Github Varsion | chess-game-server

For the shortest path problem, obviously, we can use BFS to solve, for this uncommon algorithm, it is a bit difficult to do independently, so I found a reference Knight’s Shortest Path on Chessboard

Here is my Ruby solution:

  • A chessboard posiniton entity: it will store the initial position move to current position steps

    class Node
      attr_accessor :position, :parent, :steps
      def initialize(position:, steps: 0, parent: nil)
        @position = position
        @parent = parent
        @steps = steps
  • A chess service: convenient controller call the logic

    class ChessService < ApplicationService
      attr_reader :steps_count, :next_step, :steps
      COL = %w(a b c d e f g h)
      ROW = %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
      # movable situations
      DX = [2, 2, -2, -2, 1, 1, -1, -1]
      DY = [-1, 1, -1, 1, -2, 2, -2, 2]
      # BFS to get Knight shortest path
      def initialize(position, destination)
        @steps_count = 0
        @steps = []
        @next_step = ""
        if position == destination
          @steps_count = 0
          @steps = [] << destination
          @next_step = destination
          build(position, destination)
      # BFS logic
      def build(position, destination)
        visited = []
        queue = [] << position
        node_steps = {}
        while !queue.empty?
          node = queue.pop
          dist = node_steps[node]&.steps || 0
          if node == destination
            @steps_count = dist
          unless visited.include?(node)
            visited << node
            (0..7).each do |i|
              new_x = COL.index(node[0]) + DX[i]
              new_y = ROW.index(node[1]) + DY[i]
              if (new_x >= 0 && new_x < 8) && (new_y >= 0 && new_y < 8)
                new_position = COL[new_x] + ROW[new_y]
                node_steps[new_position] = new_position, steps: dist + 1, parent: node_steps[node])
        # backward from destination
        next_step = node_steps[destination]
        @steps << destination
        until next_step.parent.nil?
          next_step = next_step.parent
        @next_step = next_step.position
  • Called by controller

    # params[:position] and params[:destination] are like "e6", represents the position on the chessboard
    chess_service =[:position], params[:destination])
    # then we will get this info to return
      steps: chess_service.steps,
      next_step: chess_service.next_step,
      steps_count: chess_service.steps_count,

    Write at the end, I deployed these services and you can use them through these links.

    Page: Vercel | Chess Game

    Server: Render | Chess Game Server

    It should be noted that I used a free service when deploying the backend, so the first request will start the service, which may take about 2 minutes to start successfully.