Gap Rest with Interview

ChongYaaa published on
1 min, 147 words

Categories: Messy

I applied for resignation at the end of July because I'm sick of the constant oppression and unpaid overtime.

I had high hopes for my gap month. Where will I travel and where will I rest.

Get back to work until I'm ready to do another interview.

But in actuality

An unexpected interview, an uneven time allocation and my uncertainty,

I was still in front of the table working on written exam assignments or getting ready for interviews, so I didn't get to escape life and unwind through I was out and about.

I always make some minor errors during interviews, and as a result, I am unable to fully explain what I know and want to say.

Or maybe I was acting this way because I was anxious or didn't get enough sleep, I don't know.

Raining & Confused.

My kitty